I have known a lot of people, including myself who have had to attend funerals lately. A week or so ago, I attended a funeral for a good friend of mine’s great uncle. I knew him well, but not incredibly well. I have memories of him driving Moie and I to Special Olympics events. There was also this one time that Moie, her uncle and I were driving to Ames, IA to visit Moie’s now husband. Well, on our way back Mo’s car decided to take a turn for the worst, only accelerating to about 40-ish on the interstate. We made the best of the time, and had it not been for Pali’s positive attitude and reassurance, we would not have been able to have such a wonderful time given shitty circumstances. At the funeral, almost everyone had a story to tell…it was so amazing, yet incredibly heart breaking. He meant the world to a lot of people, it was heart breaking…completely heartbreaking.
Rest in peace Pali.
I also heard about another funeral recently that my sister attended…for a baby. This is beyond heartbreaking for me to hear, even though I do not know the people. I cannot even imagine, it’s not something I can wrap my mind around without tearing up. I don’t want to say it’s “easier” when it is an older person like Pali, but those older people have lived a life…where this baby, this sweet little baby, was gone before she could even live. I just cannot even imagine.
So, I pretty much do not have a point to this blog besides those thoughts of those two funerals weighing on my mind and needed to let the thoughts out.
Rest well Pali and sweet little one.