What a crazy weekend! This weekend was Christa and Mike’s wedding. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding! It took place at Joslyn castle. We had our bridesmaid’s dresses made by a local woman and she did a wonderful job! Another bonus to the weekend is that it was so nice outside, perfect for an outdoor wedding! I’ll post a picture of Erich and me, quite possibly one of my favorites ever taken.

At the wedding, Christa booked a tarot card reader just for fun…well, it was fun all right, but it was also very, very creepy. She hit a lot of things head on with me. I am not one to typically believe that kind of stuff, but sparing details, it seemed like she “knew” too much. Call me crazy, but you would’ve had to been there.
In other news student teaching is going very well. I have my first observation by my advisor on Friday and I am a little nervous about that. I am feeling more and more comfortable every day in the classroom. I have an awesome cooperating teacher, she is really helpful. I am enjoying it, and can tell already, come the end of December, I will be crying rivers when I have to leave these kids.
I miss my babies and co-workers though! I made a goal to go in and visit them every Wednesday, and so far I have held to that. This week might not work out though. See, I rarely get sick, but over the weekend I have come down with a sore throat, tight chest and a dry nasty cough. I think I am pretty immune to all the illnesses at work, but student teaching may be a different story because they are a “new” group of kids. Typically, I wouldn’t limit myself going out, but since there are all sorts of nasty things going around already, I don’t want to pass something really harmful to the babies. The whole “swine flu” thing doesn’t really scare me personally, but I do worry about young children, babies and older people getting it. So, I might have to steer clear of the little ones for a while.