

As I mentioned last blog, I have been slacking on keeping up with this thing! So, here is the update with me.

As I mentioned last time...school is trying to kill me...and the update is that school is STILL trying to kill me...no big changes there!

Also, a couple weeks ago Jen, Jaimie, Junior, my Aunt Janice and I went to the circus! I had never been to the Barnam and Bailey's circus. I have actually always been leery of circuses because of how they treat the animals. This time, I did not feel like the animals were mistreated, but I still felt very sad for them!

Junior had a blast! His attention span was WONDERFUL and he loved the "Lelephants." When the acrobats were doing tricks he would exclaim "Oh my!" He stuffed his face with popcorn and sat on everyone's laps for a little while! It was a lot of fun! Check out the picture show I made below!


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