In other news, the kitties have now started to get along! I know all it took was some patience, but I was worried that we had made the wrong decision by bringing another cat in the household. The only issue is feeding them...Otis HOGS down all of his food, while Libby has always been more of a slow eater (ex. throughout the day.) If Otis sees food left over in Libby's dish, he "takes care of it" for her. I need some feeding tips! We get after him if he goes for it, but he is so sneaky, the minute we walk away he is nom-nomming away. Here is photographic evidence of love :)

In celebration of their new found friendship, we got them an awesome floor to ceiling cat tree! They love it!

Also, I should take this time to congratulate Rachel and Kyle on their engagement! Rachel is Erich's sister and long time friend of mine, and they made it official! They are getting married! They are planning a wedding in October of this year... I love Rachel, she sets her mind to something and she accomplishes it! Three months or not! I have a pretty busy ten months or so! I will be in Christa's wedding in August, Rachel's in October and Trish's in May! It is CRAZY FUN to be a bridesmaid and such an honor. I love being a part of people's weddings! So, so much fun!
Well, that is all in the land of me. I am hoping I have a little more time for updating and sharing Student Teaching stories once I am done with this crazy session of classes! But, until then, good bye!
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