
Severe Weather Today!

Crazy evening with the weather! My evening at work ended with me and a couple of my babies hanging out in the bathroom riding out the storm!

Erich called to tell me they closed work early! Thank goodness because this is what was happening by Grease Monkey shortly after he left!

photo taken by greenfroggy08

His building is the one right behind the O'Riley's/ Jensen Tire sign (the one with the brown roof!) Tonight, I feel like my weather insecurities are justified!!!


End the R-word.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely despise the "R-Word." I am not saying that I am completely innocent of ever using it, but within the last seven-ish years I have really gained some prospective on how offensive it is. I'll even admit that I slipped up once in the last year, and I felt absolutely terrible. I know it is a hard habit to end, but I encourage everyone to consider another prospective and make an effort to end the word.

Today, I got an e-mail from Special Olympics which talked about 3-31-09, the day to end the "r-word." I was THRILLED to finally see that people are speaking out about the offensive word. When ever I say something to someone about how much the word bothers me, people generally listen... then once they slip up they say "Oh, whoops...you don't like that word!" For Pete's sake people, its not about me! It's about the mentally handicapped people and their families you are offending! I just want people to see that "retard(ed)" is not a synonym for stupid, dumb or any other insult you are trying to give! So, please...consider the people you are offending (same goes for the word "gay") and make a conscious effort to end the word!

Thanks for hearing my rant. Here are some interesting links to check out!

End the R-Word- from SpecialOlympics.org You can order shirts, buttons and even posters to help benefit Special Olympics.

Change the Conversation- rword.org- there are some profile badges like the one I have pictured above on this site.


12 Favorites

My friend Jessica started doing this 12 Favorite Things addition to her blog and I really liked the idea, so I asked her if I could "steal" it. She does it once a week, but I am not sure I can keep up on it that much. So, here are my 12 Favorite things for this week/month/year (however long it takes me to do it again!)

Image hosted @ bighugelabs.com

Starting from top left....obviously....

1. My pictures... I love my pictures! This is just a little picture display board I have hanging in my apartment... it was all I could take a picture of considering all my albums are packed!
2. My car.... Though very dirty in this picture, I love my car! It has been a great car for me!
3. My Sweat Pants...the minute I walk in the door from work or school, the jeans come off and the sweat pants go on!
4. My books... right now, I am working on polishing of the last book in the Twilight series, but I am ready for another series when done!
5. My Planner... dorky, I know. I love my planner. I don't know what I would do without it! It's the best $2.50 I have ever spent!
6. My Camera...anyone who knows me knows I do not go a day without carrying this thing! You never know when you might need a picture taken!
7. The Office... This show can always give me a good laugh when I need one!
8. My Computer... I spend way to much time on it, so it naturally has to become one of my favorite things :)
9. My Bed... What else can I say? I like sleep!
10. My Vacuum...really...it is definitely one of my favorite things :) Now if it would only vacuum on its own :) This vacuum was worth every dollar and it really helps cut down on car hair!
11. Ice Cream... OH YEAH!
12. Foldgers Chocolate Silk Coffee...my absolute favorite!


School and Work and....well, there really isn't anything in between!

Well, another set of classes down, and another set to go! Eight weeks sure goes fast. This time around though, I did not get a break because I have a few pre-reqs I have to take through Metro, and their classes have overlapped Peru’s schedule…blah blah blah…I won’t put you though listening to all the technicalities. The no break thing is really no bother to me though, it’s just one step closer to getting done with school. Then, student teaching in August…..which is only…..FIVE MONTHS away. To be honest, I am pretty terrified to student teach. I am really hoping that I have a “good” cooperating teacher. Just talking about it makes me anxious! I have not decided yet if I want to attempt to get a job in a school right away, or if I want to sub for a year or so to help me gain more experience. Ultimately, I think it depends on how prepared I feel after my student teaching. Another concern is money during that time… I am trying to decide if I want to get a weekend job, or if I just want to focus on student teaching. Well, let me rephrase that…I would prefer to just focus on student teaching, but I want to make sure we’ll be financially okay as well. Who knows….I’m worrying, could ya tell?

I am going to miss my babies and co-workers though while I am gone. Four months is a long time to be away from my babies! I am hoping that I will be able to go in to visit everyone often…just so the babies don’t forget me! Speaking of work, it sounds like I have a co-teacher to take over for Carolyn! I met her the other day and she seems very nice and very skilled with all ages of infants, so I am feeling optimistic! Also, in other exciting news, my school schedule now and through the summer has allowed me to change my schedule back to four 10 hour days (which is my favorite schedule to work!) So, starting next week, I will work Monday-Thursday 7:00-6:00 with Friday’s off of work! I am stoaked for many reasons, but I am really hoping to be able to stay on top of my homework enough where I can spend some quality time with Junior this summer! He is old enough now where he can really start to enjoy special outings!

Well, I realize this was a big cluster jumble of stuff, but I felt the need to write!


The Joy of Moving....

Actually, there is no joy in moving. I actually really despise it! It was only fun the first time when we got our first apartment ever, and now...now its just a hassle. We have a month until we move still, but I felt the urge to get some thing done. So Friday, I took the day off and packed up almost everything that is able to be packed up for the next month or so. We also shipped quite a bit off to the Goodwill. I am looking forward to more space at the new place, but I am really gonna miss this place because it has been our home for three years. (I know that's really not too long, but seems like that for me!) We have kinda been talking about the whole house buying thing, and with this stimulus right now, its kinda hard to resist. However, we still have a lot to do in terms of saving, and we likely will not be able to save enough before the stimulus deal is over. I do however think we may be able to save enough in a year- year and a half-ish. So, I vow...here on blogger (hee hee) that the next place we will move is a house... I am freakin' tired of moving.

Here are some pictures of my disaster of an apartment....

Is it evident that we LOVE books? Hence the need for a two bedroom...we need somewhere to store book shelves!

One of the most difficult parts of moving is finding places to store everything you have packed on top of everything that is still out!! Ahhh...my place is such a mess!

In other news... I have finished Eclipse and am now moving on to Breaking Dawn... I have read more books for pleasure in the last 6 months than I have the entire time I have been in school...it really is a nice feeling! I am also excited because I have a new series that I want to start after I finish Breaking Dawn...and if breaking dawn is anything like Eclipse... I wont be able to put it down, I'll have it done in just a few weeks.