Actually, there is no joy in moving. I actually really despise it! It was only fun the first time when we got our first apartment ever, and its just a hassle. We have a month until we move still, but I felt the urge to get some thing done. So Friday, I took the day off and packed up almost everything that is able to be packed up for the next month or so. We also shipped quite a bit off to the Goodwill. I am looking forward to more space at the new place, but I am really gonna miss this place because it has been our home for three years. (I know that's really not too long, but seems like that for me!) We have kinda been talking about the whole house buying thing, and with this stimulus right now, its kinda hard to resist. However, we still have a lot to do in terms of saving, and we likely will not be able to save enough before the stimulus deal is over. I do however think we may be able to save enough in a year- year and a half-ish. So, I on blogger (hee hee) that the next place we will move is a house... I am freakin' tired of moving.
Here are some pictures of my disaster of an apartment....

Is it evident that we LOVE books? Hence the need for a two bedroom...we need somewhere to store book shelves!

One of the most difficult parts of moving is finding places to store everything you have packed on top of everything that is still out!! place is such a mess!
In other news... I have finished Eclipse and am now moving on to Breaking Dawn... I have read more books for pleasure in the last 6 months than I have the entire time I have been in really is a nice feeling! I am also excited because I have a new series that I want to start after I finish Breaking Dawn...and if breaking dawn is anything like Eclipse... I wont be able to put it down, I'll have it done in just a few weeks.
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