Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely despise the "R-Word." I am not saying that I am completely innocent of ever using it, but within the last seven-ish years I have really gained some prospective on how offensive it is. I'll even admit that I slipped up once in the last year, and I felt absolutely terrible. I know it is a hard habit to end, but I encourage everyone to consider another prospective and make an effort to end the word.
Today, I got an e-mail from Special Olympics which talked about 3-31-09, the day to end the "r-word." I was THRILLED to finally see that people are speaking out about the offensive word. When ever I say something to someone about how much the word bothers me, people generally listen... then once they slip up they say "Oh, don't like that word!" For Pete's sake people, its not about me! It's about the mentally handicapped people and their families you are offending! I just want people to see that "retard(ed)" is not a synonym for stupid, dumb or any other insult you are trying to give! So, please...consider the people you are offending (same goes for the word "gay") and make a conscious effort to end the word!
Thanks for hearing my rant. Here are some interesting links to check out!
End the R-Word- from You can order shirts, buttons and even posters to help benefit Special Olympics.
Change the Conversation- there are some profile badges like the one I have pictured above on this site.
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