Last week, I had an “eye issue.” Basically, I have had the issue for a while, but it reached an all time miserable high this week. It was pretty miserable…terrible actually, and it’s quite the story that I am sure all of you don’t care to hear all about. So, after many doctor visits (and many puzzled doctor stares) it was decided that this issue with my left eye stems from a scratch directly to my eyeball that a little girl in my class gave me….TWO YEARS AGO! I will spare you the details, but the short story is that it never truly healed and the “scab” on my eyeball was pretty much attaching and detaching itself from my eye. See, I don’t have a weak stomach so I would love to tell you about how the doctor pulled my epithelium right off my eye ball with a pair of tweezers, but I wouldn’t want to gross you out! (Am I evil? Yes, yes I am!)
Basically, my eyes got to look like this for a whole week!

***note- I had to pull my eyebrow up like that to keep my eye open...I know I look beyond ridiculous!**
Now, after I got all fixed…I got to enjoy two FULL days of my eyes looking like this! Now, don’t mistake my message....…I LOVED it! I had the creepiest, most awesome eyes ever!

I am healed though…and better now. I just wanted to share my pain and well, my humorous eyes too.
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