Will you be looking for a new job?
Kind of... I will be looking to find some districts to sub in, but I am not planning on leaving UP...maybe part time at one place, part time at another. I will also be looking for a weekend job while I student teach...HyVee here I come!!
Will you be looking for a new relationship?
I'm not planning on it
New house?
That may be a bit overboard for 2009, buying anyway
What will you do different in 2009?
attempt to stay positive more often, find more time to spend time with others so I keep my sanity better, find more time to be active
New Years resolution?
Kind of, but nothing I want to publicly share
What will you not be doing in 2009?
Going on any extravagant vacations
Any trips planned?
ironic....meh, probably Missouri, but other than that I will be desperate trying to save money before being unemployed for 4 months! (well, little employment anyway!)
Wedding plans?
Probably not for me
What's on your calendar?
EVERYTHING! I live for my calendar!
What can't you wait for?
What would you like to see happen different?
Many things, but most of them are things I have no control over or influence on.
What about yourself will you be changing?
happier, healthier me (cliche I know!) I want to find more time to be active. (Like how I don't make the promise to work out everyday? Because I know it's not doable!)
What happened in '08 that you didn't think would ever happen?
We made HISTORY this year! I know we do every year, but OBAMA got ELECTED!
Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
As always, I will do my best!
Will you dress differently this year than you did in 08?
ha ha ha, nope! T-shirts to work and T-shirts on the weekend :)
Are you going to be in school in 09?
How will you make more money in 09?
I won't be :( It will probably be my poorest year.
Will you do charity work?
I hate when people call it charity work...it has such a negative connotation! I miss volunteering horribly, but I do not think I will be able to pick it up again unit I am done with school. Then, I want to do it for Big Brothers, Big Sisters.
Are you going to drink on New Years Eve?
Meh, likely not.
Will you be nice to people you don't know?
I usually exchange a friendly smile, but I suppose I could be vocally more friendly.
Do you expect 2009 to be a worse year for you than 2008?
In my attempt to be more positive...NO!
How much did you change from this time last year til now?
Not much at all! I feel about the same
Do you plan on having a child?
No, that's a long time off.
Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
I plan on it, I have some wonderful friends!
Major lifestyle changes?
this is getting redundant....be more active, be more happy...blah blah blah
Will you be moving?
hopefully, if things financially start going better.
What will you make sure doesn't happen this year that happened in 08?
oh, that's a toughy...don't know. 2008 wasn't all that bad!
Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
I hope so!