Christmas Eve: During the day Erich and I cleaned and made Chili for my dad and sisters who would be coming over on Christmas day. My nephew and sister Jaimie stopped by and we made Orange Danish Rolls together and I let Junior open a present because I remember when we were kids, we always got to open one on Christmas Eve. In the evening, we went to Erich’s grandparent’s house. We had a delicious dinner of prime rib, which is something I have never had before. We then opened presents and did the white elephant gift exchange. I got the last number and got a pretty awesome food chopper…except its still in the bag because I cannot find a place to store it! We then played 31, the card game that is a family tradition. I still win for the worst player ever.

Erich and I on Christmas Eve

Grandpa Dewayne with Gordy
Christmas Day: We woke up EARLY to go to Erich’s mom’s house. But that’s not before I busted a fuse in the back end of our apartment by running my space heater and blow dryer in the bathroom at the same time. I never run them both, but I must have been extra spacey! So, Erich and I spent the rest of the morning getting ready by candle light and warming my chili in the living room because it affected the power in the kitchen. After Erich’s mom’s house I went home and got things prepared for my family to come over. We opened gifts (and finally found our fuse box! Sad after 3 years of living here!) and then we ate chili. We watched my nephew and my dad’s girlfriend’s son play together. Then, Dad, Mary and I all played the Wii for a little while. We ended our evening at Erich’s Grandma Jean’s house where we chatted with the part of the (highly entertaining) family that we never get to see.

My nephew, Junior and I Christmas Day

Erich and I on Christmas Day

My sister Jaimie and I on Christmas Day!
New Year’s Eve and Day: I spent my New Year ’s Eve day shopping! I had some Christmas money I was itching to spend, so my friend and I hit the outdoor mall. It was cold, but we survived! In the evening, Erich and I went out with a group of our friends to the 49r to ring in the New Year. We have never been to a bar on New Year’s Eve, but we thought we would give it a shot this year. It was not as bad as I thought, even considering that Erich and I didn’t really drink. It was nice to actually GO OUT since I rarely ever do that anymore! My New Year’s Day was spent being lazy and in the afternoon I got to hang out with my nephew while his mom was at work. We went to dinner at Grandma Sylvia’s house and called it a night after that.

Everyone we celebrated with! This was right before midnight!

Erich and I ringing in the New Year Together
This Monday starts the cycle of holiday free weeks, which is going to be weird for me because I haven’t worked a full week in a while. (practicum, funeral) Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! If you would like to see more pictures from the holidays, check out facebook or myspace!
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