Since the ice storm has kept me inside this fine evening, I wanted to do my own little review of the Twilight movie. I’ll probably talk about parts of the movie, so there may be “spoilers,” though I am almost 100% sure I am one of the last “fans” to go and see the movie. However, if you are a fan just from reading the book, there are no surprises in the movie, so I am pretty sure I am not going to spoil anything that you don’t already know.
Let me start by saying that I love the books! I finished reading Twilight in September, and after a break (not because I wanted one!) started reading New Moon a few weeks ago. It’s really good thus far, and I hope to finish it really soon because I have the third book, Eclipse waiting for me! It makes me giggle a little that this is such a “high school” thing to read (and see), yet there are so many people of all ages into it. Definitely not what I think Stephenie Meyer intended, but I think it has worked to her benefit!

I think it’s pretty typical that the book is WAY better than the movie, and in this case that is definitely true. I mean, the movie wasn’t bad but there were a few parts that I thought to be quite a bit over dramatic. There are three parts that stand out most in my mind, one being Edward and Bella’s initial meeting in Biology class at school. I know it was supposed to portray as “uncomfortable” but came off as cheesy. I felt the same way about the Cullen’s initial entrance into the cafeteria, when Bells told Edward she “knew what he was” in the forest, and at the very end of the scene when James attacks Bella…the way Dr. Cullen was telling Edward to control himself, or whatever he said, was a bit over dramatic. My theory is the audiences that the movie was modeled for (teenage girls) really enjoy that type of over-drama. I also did not enjoy most of the score in the movie. I just did not feel like it meshed real well with the movie. The score is typically not something I pay attention to in a movie but in this one, it just seemed to stand out.

I guess it was a bad choice on my part to put what I disliked first, but there were quite a few things I really enjoyed in the movie. I liked how it was true to the book. There weren’t any parts I can recall anyway that swayed from the book. Over all, I liked the people chosen to play the characters, but I just wish Edward would DO something with his hair! …I guess I just don’t understand the whole Edward Cullen craze…I also really liked Charlie because that is not how I pictured him AT ALL. I also really enjoyed Jessica, Eric, Dr. Cullen and Alice. (which I think was most best portrayed of all the siblings)
I really liked the scene with the baseball game and the fight with James. I also really liked how in one scene there was a particular score playing and it evolved into Edward playing it on his piano. This was about the only part of the score that I enjoyed….I remembered thinking to myself, “Oh, here’s another crappy set of score…” and then it evolved into Edward playing and I really liked it.

So all in all, I would say there was more of the movie that I liked as opposed to disliked. I just think that book has been around long enough that the producers know that it is a really diverse Twilight crowd, so I think they could have tried harder to not cater to just the teenagers. I am not sure I would run out and see it again (mainly because I am not the type of person who sees movies over and over) but I will probably buy it when it comes out. I cannot wait to finish reading the books!
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