
A New Place to Call Home....

Well, we found a place that we’ll be moving when our lease is up at the end of March. I had said in a previous post that we wanted to rent a house or duplex and there were other certain things that we wanted as well, but we had to change our minds.

See, we really want a house… but the more we talked about it, we saw reasons why this is not the best time for that. We had a hard time finding places that met our criteria without us worrying about getting in over our heads and ultimately we decided that it would be a bad idea…especially me having little to no paid work this fall. I am okay with that, and really, if I we are going to put energy into mowing and shoveling *shudder* I want it to be OUR place.

So, why are we still moving you ask? Well, we need more space…if we stay in a place this small much longer my head may spin. We found a decent little place literally less than five minutes from where we are now. It is a two bedroom; 1050 sq ft place….which is about 400 sq ft more than where we are at now. The only amenities we are missing from what we have now are a fireplace (which we never use) and a swimming pool. (*sniff sniff*) The pool is something I can get over, I never really went that much, and it gives me a good excuse to hit up Papio Bay more often. We’ll have a cute little balcony as well as MANY more windows! And….we’ll know some of our neighbors because I know three people who live in this complex….BBQ’s here we come! (Not to mention we are just walking distance from the bowling alley!) Finally, the place costs the same amount that we pay for our one bedroom so we are not spending anymore money besides the cost of moving!

So, it is sad that we had to “settle” in a sense, but things will work out for us when the time comes. Life isn’t all about material things and getting what we want and our time will come! I am starting the packing process slowly but surely. I have already gotten some boxes from work, even though it is a while away, I just have to be sure to stay on top of school at the same time. So….we are now employing people to help us move! The payment is pizza! Just kidding, we have a pretty decent crew already in line!


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