Then, we came home and watched the episode of The Office that we missed this week. If you love The Office, that episode was beyond hilarious and kind of sad at the same time! We came home to watch The Office in order to kill some time before our movie. Then we went to the Rave Theater at the Westroads. Honestly, I did not really see what all the hoop and holler is about that theater, it was over crowded for a late night show and there were a decent amount of line jumping hooligans running around. (Apparently, I was the only teen who had a curfew when I was young!)
We saw the movie Seven Pounds with Will Smith. I love all Will Smith movies, but I have to say that I think this is his best performance ever! I do not typically cry during movies, but this one… I shed a decent amount of tears…and it wasn’t just at the end, it was in the beginning and midway through. I would recommend this movie to everyone!

Well, that pretty much sums up our weekend! Hope everyone else had a good one!
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