I love going to concerts! Erich and I have been to LOTS but we still have quite a few more that we want to see. I have this whole “to see before I die list” and as of right now, the only band missing from that list is A Perfect Circle, which will likely never tour again (but if they did it would be great!) In November, Erich and I went and saw Metallica and Nine Inch Nails. I found out the complete line up today for the Music as a Weapon Tour which is coming to Mid-America in May and it includes Disturbed, Lacuna Coil, Chimaria, and American Head Charge. The great thing is that Erich and I love ALL of these bands, the concert is affordable, it is outdoor and contains a BUNCH of other lesser known bands that will likely be awesome! So, we are going! Also, it is also going to be a tattoo fair (which I would never get one there) but it would be really cool to see the work of some artists not from Omaha. Wow, wow, wow!!!
So before ending this rather meaningless blog, I thought I would reflect on some of the concerts I have been to over time… I’m dorkin’ out…I know!
1.Sevendust (seen them twice and met them once…I have a pretty cool story about the song Angel’s Son when it was performed at one of their concerts.)
2.Nonpoint (better live than they are on CD)
3.Marilyn Manson and Slayer (wow, wow, wow…an experience of a lifetime! That’s all I can really say about that!)
4.Nine Inch Nails (twice, and hopefully more! When they came in November and started performing “Hurt” someone behind me said “oh this is that remake of that Jonny Cash song”….needless to say I could not concentrate on the song after that…and you call yourself a fan!?!?!)
5.Metallica with Down and The Sword (very cool, even though they are old, they can still put on a hell of a show!)
6.Disturbed with Flyleaf (this was another Music as a Weapon Tour…they both were awesome!)
7.Shania Twain… (yes, I did and loved it!!!)
8. Tool! (they had better come again, that was also a hell of a show!)
9. Slipknot (the IOWA tour…they got banned after that concert for a supposed “riot” but now, 4 years later has been allowed to come back)
Well...that's all I got....for now! :)