Anyways, yesterday I went and got my hair cut and colored. I think my hair stylist did a really good job. It's pretty much my same cut with more layers put into it. She flipped out my sides and I really liked it so I bought my very first flat iron :) I tried to do it today, and...well... using a flat iron must take some practice because I am not very good at it! As far as my color, I really like it! I want to go just a little darker on bottom next time though! Bare in mind I am no good with the self portraits, but here is the front, sides and back.

Then, since it was so nice, I decided to go to the automatic car wash (only because those washes do FAR better than I could ever do on my own!) Well, that was a mistake. When I got out of the car wash and went in to pay for gas and a drink, my hood was ALL scratched up. I talked to someone inside the store and filed a claim. Someone should contact me on Monday about it. I was really nice about it, and I really hope they do what they can to help get the scratches take care of. I mean, I don't have the newest car ever (wow, it's 8 years old already!) and it had a few scratches on it, but I love my car and do what I can to take good care of it because I know I will have it for a while. So, here is a few pictures of the scratches on my car.

Oh...and to follow up to my last entry...I did do something to make me not such a Grinch about Valentines day....I made some little mini cup cakes for work and family....except I made them today when I SHOULD be doing homework! Here is a picture (they are similar to the ones we made for Junior's birthday...)

CUTE hair!!! I cant wait to see it in person! Poor car... eek! The cupcakes look really really good! I found about 20 more dessert recipes I want to try... i am addicted :)
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