I came across this tool called the FURminator. I was not sold on buying it because it was relatively expensive and I comb her all the time and while she loves it, it never seems to get any hair out from her. Then, when talking to someone, she had mentioned she had one and sent it home for me to try before I bought it. Let me just say, it is AMAZING! It is designed to get the cat’s undercoat out without cutting or pulling. So, I went out the very next day and bought one, and even though my wallet is crying after buying it, I think it will pay off in the end. The groomer at the store told me that it is a professional grooming tool and that it is the exact same thing they use if we were to take her in to get her groomed. I have made it a goal to spend a little bit of time with the FURminator and her every night, and I have gotten GOBS and GOBS of hair out of her. So, while it is pretty hard for me to brush her now, with all the hair coming out, I know it will pay off in the end. So, in short (or, actually…in long because this is no where near short) I recommend this to any cat owner, whether you have allergies or not!

I borrowed this from the FURminator site. It's theirs, not mine. Don't sue me.
Check out the website...the videos and pictures are no lie!
…and no, I am not getting paid for saying all of this….though it would be nice if I was!
Congrats, and glad to hear you are a fan! I represent FURminator Inc., so if you ever have any questions, let me know. Also, check us out on Twitter http://twitter.com/furminator_inc, Facebook http://www.facebook.com/FURminator-Inc and MySpace http://www.myspace.com/deshedding.
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